Avondale Estates

Community Composting Program

Residents of Avondale Estates can participate in this free curbside collection program to divert food scraps from landfills and create compost for your community. Limited to 750 households.
sign up Today
How will the program work?
Residents interested in this free curbside composting pilot program can sign up here. Limited to 750 households.
Once signed up you’ll receive an email about when to expect your Curbside Food Scraps Bin and details about your collection day. 
On your collection day, place your Curbside Food Scraps Bin at the curb by 7am and CompostNow will empty the bin.
Please Note: With this pilot program, your Curbside Food Scraps Bin will be emptied but not swapped! Check out the FAQs below for tips and tricks on how to keep your bin clean.
Click here to see what you will be able to compost through this program. If you line your container, be sure to use a BPI Certified compostable bag. Please do not use a plastic bag.
For questions about the program email thedirt@compostnow.org or check out our FAQ.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to participate in this program?

This one year pilot program is free to residents, and is funded through a USDA Grant in partnership with City of Avondale Estates, CompostNow, Food Well Alliance, Roots Down, and DeKalb County Super District 6.

The program is limited to the first 750 sign-ups.

Can apartments or condominiums participate in this program?

Yes! Townhome, condo, and apartment dwellers can participate in this program. Once you sign up, we’ll drop off your container and notify you of your collection location outside of your building. Your container will have a name tag with your name on it in the event that multiple members in your building are participating in this program.

Please note that we reserve the right to cancel membership if we cannot find a convenient place to service your container outside of your multi-family building.

What is compostable?

You can find the full list of accepted and not-accepted items, here. Please no plastic of any kind, including plastic bags. If you line your Food Scraps Bin, be sure to use a BPI Certified compostable bag.

Are meat, dairy, and bones accepted in this program?

Yes! Composting at a commercial or industrial scale is different than composting in your backyard.

It is true that you should not add meat, dairy, and bones to your backyard compost pile, but at an industrial facility it is possible to include these products and they will break down properly through the composting process. This is because the high, consistent temperatures reached in thermophilic composting phase which mitigates the risk of pathogens and disease.

What is included in this program?

You will receive your Curbside Food Scraps Bin along with a Countertop Food Scraps Bin, 3-gallon compostable liners, and an informational magnet. We recommend using your Countertop Food Scraps Bin in your home like you would a trash bin – just line your Countertop Bin with the compostable liners and transfer the contents (liner and all!) into your Curbside Food Scraps Bin throughout the week.

Please note that we will only service your Curbside Food Scraps Bin.

How large is the bin?

The Curbside Food Scraps Bin is a 7-gallon container (32 liters) with a latching lid and handle. The measurements are:

• Outside Length 15.5 inches
• Outside Width 12 inches
• Outside Height 20 inches

We will also provide a Countertop Food Scraps Bin (9.0"L x 9.25"W x 10.5"H) along with 3-Gallon compostable liners to use in your home to transfer compostables to your curbside container.

Do I need to line my Curbside Food Scraps Bin with a compostable bag?

It’s not required, but is strongly advised, as items may stick to the sides when tipping if the bin is not lined. Compostable liners that will fit your 7-gallon bin are available for purchase through this link. Please no plastic bags.

We provide a Countertop Food Scraps Bin with 3-gallon compostable liners along with your Curbside Food Scraps Bin. We recommend filling the lined Countertop Food Scraps Bin throughout the week, tying your liner when full, and then tossing it into your Curbside Food Scraps Bin for collection! This will also help to keep your Curbside Food Scraps Bin clean.

How can I request more compostable liners for my Countertop Food Scraps Bin?

Reach out and let us know! You can email us at thedirt@compostnow.org or text/call us at (919) 526-0403, and we’ll drop off your compostable liners on your next service day free of charge.

How can I clean the bin or prevent odors?

The Curbside Food Scraps Bin has a latching lid that seals in odors, and the use of compostable liners help keep the bin clean. The liners also allow for easy removal of food waste on collection day, easy wipe-downs of the container for maintenance, and help prevent spills from any liquids when tied shut.

To clean the bin, rinse with water and mild soap. We provide a Countertop Food Scraps Bin with 3-gallon compostable liners along with your Curbside Food Scraps Bin. We recommend filling the lined Countertop Food Scraps Bin throughout the week, tying your liner when full, and then tossing it into your Curbside Food Scraps Bin for collection! This will also help to keep your Curbside Food Scraps Bin clean.

What should I do if my bin is lost or damaged?

Please reach out to our Support Team at thedirt@compostnow.org to request a replacement bin.

Can I request more than one bin for my household?

No, not at this time. For this one year pilot program, there is a limit to one bin per household.

Why should I participate in this program?

Composting is a great way to reduce the amount of waste your household send to landfills, which are the third largest source of methane emissions.

In fact, about 28% of the average household waste stream in America is compostable! By composting your food scraps you are also recycling those unused scraps into a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to grow more food.

Learn more about the benefits of composting, here.

What happens if collection day falls on a holiday?

If there are holiday changes to our collection schedule, we will send an email notification in advance of the upcoming holiday about collection day changes.

Who picks up my food scraps and where will they go to be composted?

CompostNow will collect and process food scraps for this program at CompostNow's Georgia Facility.

What happens to the compost created through this program?

The compost created through this program will be distributed to:

Food Well Alliance for local BIPOC farmers and community gardeners in DeKalb County
Roots Down for their their edible landscapes at libraries in DeKalb County